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6. Visualising the collections on a map

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In this notebook, we're going to use a secondary API to visualise the geographical extent of the collection on a map.

The collection contains place names in the production field, which describes the time, place, and agents involved in the creation of the work. If we can turn those place names into coordinates, we can visualise the geographical extent of the collection on a map.

We'll use the API at to handle the complicated geocoding for us.

import requests
import pandas as pd
import time
from import tqdm

6.1 Geocoding individual place names

First, we need to define a function which will turn a place name into a pair of latitude and longitude values. We'll use the requests library to make a request to the geocoding API with our place name, and assume that the first result is the correct one. If the API returns a result, we'll return the latitude and longitude coordinates, otherwise we'll return a pair of None values.

def geocode_place(place):
"""Geocode a place name to lat/lon coordinates."""

response = requests.get(
params={"q": place},

lat = float(response[0]["lat"])
lon = float(response[0]["lon"])

# Add a delay to avoid hitting the API rate limit with multiple requests.
# the rate limit is 2 requests per second, see

return (lat, lon)
except (IndexError, requests.JSONDecodeError, ConnectionError):
return (None, None)

That looks right to me!

6.2 Geocoding lots of data

Let's download a bunch of works from the collection and store their IDs and place names in a pandas dataframe.

base_url = ""
n_works_to_fetch = 500

response = requests.get(
base_url + "works",
params={"pageSize": 100, "include": "production"},

works = response["results"]

while "nextPage" in response and len(works) < n_works_to_fetch:
response = requests.get(response["nextPage"]).json()

The place names are stored in the production field, which is a list of ProductionEvent objects. Let's unpack the place name for the first productionEvent of each work, and store them in a dataframe.

df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=["place"])

for work in works:
if len(work["production"]) > 0:
production = work["production"][0]
if len(production["places"]) > 0:
df.loc[work["id"]] = production["places"][0]["label"]

Now we can use our geocode_place function to turn our place names into pairs of latitudes and longitudes.

lats, lons = zip(*[geocode_place(place) for place in tqdm(df["place"].values)])
df["lat"] = lats
df["lon"] = lons

Let's have a look at the most common place names in the collection:


There are a lot of rows where the API has failed to find a matching place name, eg those No place, unknown, or undetermined values. Let's drop those rows from our dataframe.

df[df['place'] == 'No place, unknown, or undetermined']
df = df.dropna()

Let's produce a simple scatter plot of the latitude and longitude values we've found. We'll use the alpha parameter to make the points semi-transparent, so that we can see where there are tightly-packed clusters of points.

df.plot.scatter(x="lon", y="lat", alpha=0.1, figsize=(10, 10));

6.3 Using bounding boxes

As well as returning a latitude and longitude value, the geocoding API also returns a bounding box for each place name. We can use these bounding boxes to draw a rectangle around each point on our map, showing the areas where the catalogue records are precise (eg Paris (Rue des Mathurins)), or where they're more vague (eg France).

By plotting a semi-transparent box for each set of coordinates, The areas of the world where the boxes overlap will be darker, indicating that more works were produced in that region.

def geocode_place_bounding_box(place):
"""Geocode a place name to a bounding box."""

response = requests.get(
"q": place,

box = [float(x) for x in response[0]["boundingbox"]]

# Add a delay to avoid hitting the API rate limit with multiple requests.
# rate limit is 2 requests per second, see

return box
except (IndexError, requests.JSONDecodeError, ConnectionError):
return (None, None, None, None)
lat_1, lat_2, lon_1, lon_2 = zip(
*[geocode_place_bounding_box(place) for place in tqdm(df["place"].values)]
df["lat_1"] = lat_1
df["lat_2"] = lat_2
df["lon_1"] = lon_1
df["lon_2"] = lon_2

df = df.dropna()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

for _, row in df.iterrows():
(row["lon_1"], row["lat_1"]), # bottom left corner
row["lon_2"] - row["lon_1"], # width
row["lat_2"] - row["lat_1"], # height

ax.set_xlim(-180, 180)
ax.set_ylim(-90, 90);

Creating an interactive map

We can use a library called folium to visualise the coordinates on an interactive map.

Let's make sure that we've got the latest version of folium installed:

!pip install -U --quiet folium selenium

N.B. You won't be able to see this if you're reading the markdown version of this notebook, or viewing it on GitHub. You'll need to run the notebook yourself to see the interactive plot.

import folium

m = folium.Map()

for _, row in df.iterrows():
location=[row["lat"], row["lon"]],
fill = True,



  1. Look for more patterns in the data which indicate that the geocoding might be incorrect - can you clean up the data to make the map more accurate?
  2. Filter the works using a set of lat/lon boundaries, returning everything from a particular region, eg Scotland. Comparing those works to the rest of the data, can you find any similarities or differences? Do any interesting narratives emerge?